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Bison Container Scales Receive Type Approval In Malaysia

Bison Group

4 Jun 2 Minutes

At Bison

Scales Receive Type Approval In Malaysia

Bison is delighted to announce that Bison Container Scales and C-Legs now have Type Approval and are eligible for SOLAS VGM container weighing in Malaysia.

Following OIML Certification and Type Approval in Europe and New Zealand in 2016, this Malaysian approval reinforces the quality and accuracy of Bison's container weighing equipment.

To obtain Type Approval in Malaysia, Bison Container Scales had to pass rigorous testing by the regulatory body of SIRIM, and meet a set of regulatory, technical and safety requirements.

SIRIM tested the scales for accuracy, repeatability, eccentricity and a number of other factors using certified test weights ranging from 500kg to 35,000kg, on an open side shipping container. The testing was coordinated by Bison's Malaysian sales partner, SET Weighing.

All test results had to fall within a permissible margin of error. At the top end of the weighing range, the maximum permissible error is +/- 75kg (+/- 0.2%). If the scales didn't meet this standard at any point in the test, the scales wouldn't get Type Approved.