PP Logistiikka Oy
PP Logistiikka offers container storage, packaging, and container handling for high-tech machinery, and pulp and paper equipment producers.
They are a customer-driven company with over 25 years experience, and a reliable part of their clients' supply chain. They typically load 200-300 containers annually.

Ongoing Reliance On Third-Parties
PP Logistiikka customers were reliant on local ports to weigh containers, at a cost of EUR 30 per VGM, or they were calculating the container weight by manually adding up individual pallet weights, although this second method wasn't always practical and the first method gets expensive.
Another issue their customers faced was timing. Containers had to be delivered to port at least two days prior to vessel loading, for weighing. However, some containers included sensitive quality control processing equipment that requires storage in controlled room temperature environments. This led to more expensive storage fees for two days prior to vessel loading.

Bison Container Scales
PP Logistiikka saw an opportunity to make things easier for their customers with Bison Container Scales. They now offer a weighing service at their facility, with the VGM App they send a VGM certificate to their customers ahead of time so shipments can be booked with the local port.
Bison Container Scales was the first choice for PP Logistiikka because of its compact and portable design. They allow weighing anywhere on-site and they take up little space in a business where space is a premium. PP Logistiikka load containers in three or four locations around the site and Bison Container Scales provide the flexibility to weigh containers either indoors or out. With Container Scales being a stand-alone system, PP Logistiikka values the fact that no other machinery or vehicles are needed in the weighing task.
The Bison VGM app syncs with the Bison Container Scales providing instant VGM certificates on the operator's smartphone. They then simply email the certificate to their customer ahead of time, keeping containers on-site in controlled conditions, if required, until they are ready to depart for a port to be loaded on the next vessel.

Simplified Weighing Operations
“Weighing could not be easier! I really mean this. Even a 10-year old could do this with ease. Using the VGM App is easy, as is operating the Container Scales. We’ve used the Container Scales mainly indoors on the concrete floor but also outside on uneven gravel/snow with no difficulties there either.”
- Tommi Remsu - Logistics Manager, PP Logistiikka Oy
Another very satisfied client that has recommended Bison Container Scales and VGM App to anyone looking to improve efficiencies and pass on those savings to their clients. They've further increased customer satisfaction levels in their logistics and container handling business.
A special thank you to Tommi Remsu for the photos of the Container Scales in use.